Burger App
Why I built it?

I was catching on to all the hype about React and after having built the previous project with Flask, I can understand the hype with React!

What technologies were used?

React.js, JavaScript, CSS, and Firebase

What was the hardest part?

Following the very long and detailed videos of the Udemy course. I would have appreciated if it would start with smaller projects like building a simple landing page first.

What was the most rewarding part?

It's reactive and interactive! Oh and did I mention I love components!!!

What did I learn?

How much easier it was doing everything with React compared to Flask! Not to mention deploying with Firebase is a dream!

What I would like to improve?

I probably would make it more visually appealing and pick better colours! I would also love to add a few more things to the menu.

Designed and built by Minhimoo